它是^的CGMP机在印度市场的GMP法规,RIDDHI沸腾干燥机采用了新的概念与改进的性能(干燥时间要少得多,比传统的模型),^低参与体力劳动,简化维护,并采用模块化结构,技术提供灵活的安装选项。处理单元是SS-316不锈钢制成的单件。彻底混合干粉,产业集聚与干燥都进行了一个单位的RIDDHI沸腾干燥机。RIDDHI沸腾干燥机的杰出要点如下:工艺设备的工艺单元是单件,SS-316级不锈钢制成的。所有与物料接触部分均采用SS-316级。外部的终点,将所有的焊缝地面和抛光到周围的材料。所有的处理器和所有的非接触/视觉部分的外表面将准备一个统一的哑光质地细腻。所有与产品接触的表面(SS-316)镜面加工。特别受到人们的重视,以减少镜面抛光冲洗创建缝隙配置文件的所有焊缝内部和外部的任何来源的材料包封。从SS-316品质片材制成的单件结构的阻滞和包含过滤器的指袋的膨胀室。扩展腔室的长度是更为延迟角室相比,从而提供额外的大的热交换面积,每个粒子或带电的批处理中,流化空气导致瞬间干燥暴露。侧入进气管道在后面。两个304不锈钢支撑柱的稳定性。支撑柱设计,可以承受30吨的垂直力。特别设计的基座上设置的空气涡流效应,得到增值强度。一个中央排水口设置在基部释放洗涤水。碗/产品容器碗产品制造的SS-316不锈钢具有不锈钢网支护沿细成品空中网是一个锥形。该产品的容器台车是管状结构,由SS-304管安装在聚丙烯脚轮(2号固定和2号Swyvel的maneurverability)赋予刚性与带电负荷进行产品的容器中。一批承载能力较高的情况下,RIDDHI沸腾干燥机,因为更好的流化变化频繁颤抖的手指袋。振动期间取决于产品的性质而有所不同。橡胶垫片的固体慤形食品级硅橡胶垫圈设置在槽的法兰接头(产品容器和延迟角室之间的),以防止任何泄漏的空气,与在操作过程中的罚款 。的集装箱一致起重由专门设计的安排与不锈钢内和外的后卫的帮助下,一个特殊的T恤形橡胶气动操作,保证了均匀的起重^终使均匀的向上的压力的容器,该容器的固体在整个周慤形橡胶垫,由此防止在操作过程中的任何泄漏。顺利地通过将系统中的一个专门设计的真空发生器的操作结束时的产品容器的释放。安全CLAMP LOCKING气动操作的安全钳锁定系统提供用于产品的容器,带联锁的安排,将不断保持容器法兰接头,以防止在操作过程中的任何泄漏。这锁紧装置,是一个额外的安全措施,对任何爆炸。自动振动移动设备气动缸的手指袋用于自动摇动装置安装在顶部,从而渲染摇晃效率非常高。它也带来了手指袋到这样的水平,这些可以很容易地从被检查的延迟角室的底部。如果摇动是效率不高,粒子将被保留在手指袋不会有任何适当的流化,从而导致产品的容器中形成团块。FILTER BAG LOCKING TUBE甲槽设置在延迟角和膨胀室也赋予刚性,以适应在一个空气管挂环(过滤袋锁定管)的手指的袋与互锁装置(容易进行清洗或更换可拆卸)。当扩大了空气管棒通过传递的罚款 排放过滤器保持腔室的圆柱形表面,以防止,并确保在手指袋逮捕罚款。检查视镜被设置在膨胀室的侧壁。流化控制器一种自动阻尼控制器,气动操作,被设置在鼓风机的控制的流化的图案的吸入空气管道。这有助于为了避免产生更多的罚款。以具有所需的流化的堆积密度的材料不同的图案,通过改变抽吸空气的量子化的。空气处理机组风机和空气过滤器的加热装置被安置在服务区分开,以避免噪音污染,以及避免维修人员在生产区的干扰。送风机离心式风机与动态的平衡叶轮,后弯叶片。所有的低碳钢炉搪瓷漆的施工。直接耦合非矿用隔爆型电动马达。防震装置,并支持独立的子帧。一个良好的衰减器将被安装在保持小于75分贝的噪音排放 。空气过滤器构成的独立设备由不锈钢框架(SS-304)的两倍剥皮板。所有的墙板交叉,以增加强度。快速释放面板提供检查和维修通道。进气口部分有一个全脸外部的角度完整,或延长进气管道的法兰附件。进口系统20微米的可水洗过滤网包括20微米洗过滤器,其次是由5微米预过滤器,然后通过加热线圈部分,含有一个完整的空气管道蒸汽操作加热器电池,与不锈钢管和标头构成的钢壳体( SS-304)。的移动过程中的空气通过蒸汽加热器,以达到所要求的温度,然后^终为0.3微米(可选项)到处理单元的入口相匹配的之前的HEPA过滤器。A 304不锈钢过渡部分嵌合转换的入口空气导管从一个正方形一个圆形的配置相匹配的入口到处理单元。PT 100温度传感探头将被装配到空气过渡线槽和将被连接,可达到控制面板。爆炸VENT按照国际惯例,该设备提供的一个狂喜光盘,防爆通风措施,在2巴的压力测试,装上侧的机。接地装置接地装置联锁系统,以消除静电荷发展,由于在随机运动的罚款 排放。一个独立的不锈钢控制面板具有下列控制: -进气口温度控制器。排风温度控制器。产品碗旋转阀的锁定和释放。工艺空气风门调节。鼓风机马达,启动和停止。压缩空气压力表。过滤袋抖定时器规划逻辑控制系统,半自动化和全自动化的PLC和PLC / PC控制系统可供选择的额外费用在一个适当的水平。(OPTION)标准的引用格式为60,120,250和500公斤沸腾干燥机规格 价格(万卢比)FBD。的主要机 的主要设备是由SS-316单件公斤。完整的蒸汽安排,延缓室,气动橡胶垫圈密封的容器,自动摇晃的安排,积极接地装置与环环相扣的过滤袋,蒸汽加热器,可清洗过滤器,预过滤器,风机,温度控制器,爆炸的提升和容量出风口,气动操作蒸汽阀门,容器,手推车等产品;OPTION安全锁定装置气动操作的安全自动锁定系统被提供用于产品的容器,带锁的安排,将不断保持容器法兰接头,以防止在操作过程中的任何泄漏。这锁紧装置,是一个额外的安全措施,对任何爆炸 (4号)流化控制器 自动气动操作的风门位置控制器被设置在管道的鼓风机控制流化的图案的吸入空气SS。这有助于避免产生更多的罚款 及所需的图案的流化。额外的容器 额外的1 No.SS的-316产品聚丙烯脚轮,赋予刚性与带电负荷进行产品的容器容器是由SS-316管的管状结构,用手推车装上。HEPA过滤器 HEPA过滤器,不锈钢外壳。PLC系统的 计划逻辑控制系统。差压计的 差压计(3号)中所提供监测的空气过滤器,鼓风机,过滤袋和产品容器底部网的压降。消声器 消声器后鼓风机控制在规定限额的污染板的噪音污染。FLP电机 FLP FLP电机配件IT IS THE ONLY CGMP MACHINE AVAILABLE IN INDIAThe Riddhi Fluid Bed Dryer has adopted new concept of GMP Regulation with improved performance (Drying time is much less than the conventional model), minimum involvement of manual labour, simplified maintenance and utilises modular construction techniques to provide flexible installation options.The process unit is single piece made of SS-316 stainless steel. Thorough mixing of Dry powders, Agglomeration and Drying all are carried out in one unit of Riddhi Fluid Bed Dryer.The Outstanding Main Points of Riddhi Fluid Bed Dryer are as follows :PROCESS UNITThe Process unit is of single piece, made of stainless steel of SS-316 grade.All process contact parts are made of SS-316 grade.The finish employed externally will be all welds ground back and polished into the surrounding materials.All of the external surfaces of the processor and all non contact/ sight parts will prepared with a uniform fine texture matt finish.All of the product contact surface (SS-316) are mirror finished.Particular attention has been paid to reduce any source of material Entrapment by mirror polishing flush all welds to create crevice free profiles both internally and externally.The retarding and the expansion chamber containing the filter finger bags are made of single piece construction from SS-316 quality sheet. The length of the Expansion chamber is much more compared to retarding chamber, thereby providing extra large heat exchange area which exposes each and every particle or the charged batch in the Fluidised air resulting in instant drying.Side entry inlet air duct at the rear.Two 304 Stainless Steel support columns are provided for stability. The Support columns designed to withstand a 30 ton vertical force.Specially designed base is provided for air vortex effect and to give added strength.A central drain port is provided in the base to release wash water.BOWL / PRODUCT CONTAINERProduct Bowl is a conical shaped manufactured from SS-316 grade stainless steel having stainless steel mesh support along with fine finished air mesh.The product container Trolley is of Tubular construction made from SS-304 pipe mounted on polypropylene castor wheel (2 Nos. Fixed & 2 Nos. Swyvel for maneurverability) which imparts rigidity to carry the product container with the charged load.The batch loading capacity is always higher in case of Riddhi Fluid Bed Dryer, because of better fluidisation by varying the frequent shaking of the finger bags. Shaking period vary depending on the nature of product.RUBBER GASKETA solid shaped food grade silicon rubber gasket is provided in the groove of the flanged joint (between the product container and the retarding chamber) to prevent any leakage of air with fines during operation.UNIFORM LIFTING OF CONTAINERProduct container is shifted by specially designed arrangement with the help of one special Tee shaped Rubber with stainless steel inner and outer guard operated pneumatically which ensures uniform Lifting throughout the periphery of the container which ultimately gives uniform upward pressure to the solid 慤? shaped Rubber Gasket, thereby preventing any leakage during operation.The release of the product container at the end of operation is effected smoothly by incorporating a specially designed vacuum generator in the system.SAFETY CLAMP LOCKINGPneumatically operated safety Clamp locking system is provided for the product container, with interlocking arrangement which will hold container flanged joints continuously to prevent any leakage during operation. This locking arrangement is an extra safety measure against any explosion.AUTO SHAKING DEVICEPneumatic cylinder is used for auto shaking device of the finger bags is mounted on top thus rendering the shaking extremely efficient. It also brings down the finger bags to such a level that these can be inspected very easily from the bottom of the retarding chamber. If the shaking is not efficient, the particle will be retained in the finger bags and there will be no proper fluidisation resulting in formation of lumps in the product container.FILTER BAG LOCKING TUBEA groove is provided in the retarding and expansion chamber impart rigidity also to fit in an air tube with hanging ring (filter bag locking tube) of the finger bags with interlocking device (easily removable for cleaning or replacement). When expanded the air tube sticks to the cylindrical surface of the filter holding chamber to prevent by passing the fines emission and ensure arresting of fines in the finger bags. Inspection sight glass is provided within the side wall of the expansion chamber.FLUIDISATION CONTROLLERAn Auto Damper controller, operated pneumatically, is provided on the suction air ducting of the blower to control the pattern of fluidisation. This helpsTo avoid generation of more fines.To have desired pattern of fluidisation for the materials of varying bulk density by varying the quantum of suction air.AIR HANDLING UNITBlower and Air filter with heating arrangements are housed separately in the service zone to avoid sound pollution as well as to avoid interference of the maintenance people in the production zone.BlowerCentrifugal type blower fan with dynamically balanced impeller and backward curved blades.All mild steel construction with stove enamel paint finish.Direct coupled non-flameproof electric drive motor. Anti-vibration mountings and independent sub-support frame.A sound attenuator will be fitted to keep noise emissions to < 75 dB.Air FilterFree standing unit constructed from stainless steel frame work (SS-304) with doubled skinned panels. All wall panels are cross based for added strength. Quick release panels provided for inspection and maintenance access.The air intake section has a full face external flange for attachment of angle intact, or and extended inlet air duct.Inlet system comprising of 20 Micron washable filter, 20 Micron washable filter is followed by 5 micron prefilter, then pass through, heating coil section, containing a full air duct steam operated heater battery, constructed with stainless steel tubes and headers and a steel casing (SS-304). The moving process air passes through the steam heater to achieve the desired temperature and then finally preceded by HEPA FILTER of 0.3 micron (option) to match the inlet to the processing unit.A 304 Stainless steel transition section is fitted to convert the inlet air duct from a square to a round configuration to match the inlet to the processing unit.PT 100 temperature sensing probe will be fitted into the Air Transition Duct and will be connected upto the control panel.EXPLOSION VENTAs per International practices, the equipment is provided with a rapture Disc as measure of Explosion Vent, Tested at 2 Bar pressure, Mounted on the side of the Dryer.EARTHING DEVICEA specially designed earthing device is provided with interlocking system to Eliminate the electrostatic charges which develop due to at-random movement of fines emission.A free standing stainless steel control panel having the following controls :-Inlet air temperature controller.Exhaust air temperature controller.Product bowl rotary valve locking & release.Process air damper regulation.Blower motor, start & stop.Compressed air pressure gauges.Filter bag shaking timerPROGRAMME LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEMSemi-automated and fully automated PLC and PLC/PC control system are available for selection at an appropriate level of additional cost. (OPTION)STANDARD QUOTATION FORMAT FOR 60, 120, 250 & 500 KG FLUID BED DRIERSPECIFICATION PRICE (lakhs) FBD.THE MAIN DRYER The main equipment is made of SS-316 single piece having kgs. capacity complete with steam arrangement, retarding chamber, pneumatically operated rubber gasket for lifting and sealing of product container, automatic shaking arrangements, positive earthing device with interlocking filter bag, steam heater, Washable filter, Pre-filter, motor blower, temperature controller, explosion vent, pneumatic operating steam valve, Product container with trolley etc.OPTIONSAFETY LOCKING DEVICE Pneumatically operated safety auto locking system is provided for the product container, with interlocking arrangement which will hold container flanged joints continuously to prevent any leakage during operation. This locking arrangement is an extra safety measure against any explosion (4 Nos.)FLUIDISATION CONTROLLER An auto damper position controller operated pneumatically is provided on the suction air SS ducting of the blower to control the pattern of Fluidisation. This helps to avoid generation of more fines & to have desired pattern of fluidisation.EXTRA CONTAINER Additional 1 No.SS-316 product container with trolley which is of tubular construction made from SS-316 pipe mounted on polypropylene castor wheel which imparts rigidity to carry the product container with the charged load.HEPA FILTER Hepa filter with stainless steel casing.PLC SYSTEM Programme logic controller system.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGE Differential pressure gauge (3 Nos.) are provided to monitor the pressure drop across air filters, blower, filter bags and product container bottom net.SILENCER A silencer is provided after the blower to control the sound pollution within the prescribed limit of the pollution board.FLP MOTOR FLP Motor with FLP fittings Tablet Machinery ManufacturerRiddhi Pharma Machinery Ltd. is one of the most reputed manufacturers and exporters of pharmaceutical machines. The company is the leader and pioneer in the sphere of tabletting machines, injectable machines, ointment machines, liquid machines and packaging machines. Our qualified engineers specializing in machine building, quality control and testing believe in total commitment and dedication to customer satisfaction by delivering quality Tabletting machines including Tablet Press, Heavy Duty Tablet Press, Single Punch Tablet Press, High Speed Tablet Press ,Roll Compactor,Fluid Bed Dryer, Tablet Coating System, Communating Mill, Colloid Mill, Octagonal Blender, Double Cone Blender, V Blender, Ribbon Blender, Sigma Mixer, Planetary Mixer, Oscillating Granulator, Try Dryer, Vacuum Try Dryer, Mass Mixer, Sperodizer, Extruder, Deburring Machine, Dedusting Machine, Vibro Sifter, Tablet Inspection Machine, Drum Blender, Rapid Mixer Granulator, Fluid Bed Granulator, Tablet Counting Machine, Capsule Counting Machine, Tablet Printing Machine, Capsule Printing Machine, Blister Packing PVC ALU, Blister Packing Machine ALU ALU, Strip Packing Machine, Semi Automatic Augar Filler For Dry Powder, Automatic Augar Filler For Dry Powder, Syrup Filling Machine, All Purpose Lab Model Machines and Pilot Machines For the Full Tablet Range. 在平日的加工中,工厂会根据材料的特性选择合适的机器进行材料的干燥。同时当工厂进行湿饼、糊状等材料的干燥时,工厂会选择使用旋转闪蒸干燥机进行材料的干燥。并且由于该机器拥有较高的效率,所以机器能在较短的时间内完成材料的干燥。 材料会通过进料口进入机器,同时操 一般情况下,工厂为了使温度分布均匀,会使用热风循环烘箱进行材料的的干燥。同时该机器是通过热空气循环的方法来完成产品的加工,从而达到产品的干燥、融蜡和杀菌等功能。 通常工人会将产品放置在烘盘上,并且会将烘盘放入机器内。然后,机器就会开始的机器的加工,同时机 哪些原因会导致闪蒸干燥机的生产能力受到影响是一个大家都十分关注的问题,因为众所周知,如果生产能力受到了影响,那么闪蒸干燥机的工作能力将大大降低,而让闪蒸干燥机受到影响的原因往往是在物料反面,下面详细解说一下。 1、物料 粉碎设备的种类繁多,款式不一,功能不同,原理各异,每一款粉碎机都有着自己的特长,在生活和生产中默默地为人们作出了自己的贡献,但具体破碎机的作用是什么,它们又是如何给人们工作的呢,如下介绍。 粉碎设备是破碎机械和粉磨机械的总称。两者通常安排料粒度的大小作大致的区分:排料中粒度大于3沸腾床干燥机是通过转动的圆筒,以热传导的方式,将附在筒体外壁的液相物料或带状物料,进行干燥的一种连续操作设备。需干燥处理的料液由高位槽流入滚筒干燥器的受料槽内。干燥滚筒在传动装置驱动下,按规定的转速转动。物料由布膜装置,在滚筒壁面上形成料膜。沸腾床干燥机筒内连续通入供热介质,加热筒体,由筒壁传热使料
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