旋转闪蒸干燥机(专利申请中),是专门为连续干燥的滤饼,泥浆,意大利面和纤维产品。每当一个产品可以脱水机械之前的干燥过程(例如,由卧螺离心机,离心机,过滤器压力或类似的),大幅度减少机操作的实现。 不同于其他同级机种在市场上,不仅为无机化学品旋风闪蒸干燥机是理想的。更多困难的产品,如植物为基础的和肉类蛋白干燥成功在旋转闪蒸干燥机。经验表明,显着的节能效果时使用旋转闪蒸干燥机。干燥的产品的瞬间闪过,大大减少了产品的热量下降。这种效应使显着更高的工艺温度下的使用,其结果是一个较小的机器(较低的投资)和更低的能耗(降低生产成本)。 对于某些产品,取代了传统的闪蒸干燥机与一个旋转闪蒸干燥机降低整体生产成本每公斤超过40%的^终粉末。 饲料产品,进入设置有一个缓慢的旋转搅拌器,按压产品进料螺旋输送系统的进料缸。有了一个完整的螺旋输送器,它能够准确地控制干燥器过程。产品进入到干燥室中,并通过一个快速运动的转子中快速崩解。产品表面被创建,并立即关闭水闪过。半干燥的粉末从解体区移动的流化区中,其中所需的残留水分是在低温下实现的。粉末和空气通过一个可调的分类器中取出,允许一定的粒径控制。粉末和空气,然后采取的粉末分离系统,通常是一个袋式过滤器用于粉末分离。通常的粉末被引入的冷却步骤在这一点上,以闪烁前冷却的粉末装袋关闭。整个干燥过程是全自动的。WHIRL FLASH DRYERS The Whirl Flash dryer (patent pending) is specially designed for continuous drying of filter cakes, slurries, pastas and fibrous products. Whenever a product can be de-watered mechanically prior to the drying process (e.g. by decanters, centrifuges, filter pressess or similar), substantial reductions in dryer operations are achieved.Unlike other comparable dryer types in the market, the Whirl Flash dryer is ideal not only for inorganic chemicals. More difficult products, such as plant-based and meat proteins are dried successfully in the Whirl Flash dryer.Experience has shown significant energy savings when using the Whirl Flash dryer. The instant flash drying of the product drastically reduces the product heat degradations. This effect allows the use of significantly higher process temperature, and the consequence is a smaller dryer (lower investment) and lower energy consumption (lower production cost).For some products, replacing a traditional flash dryer with a Whirl Flash dryer reduces the overall production cost per kg final powder by over 40%.The feed product enters into a feed vat provided with a slow-rotating agitator, which presses the product down into the feed screw conveyor system. With a full screw conveyor, it is possible to accurately control the dryer process. The product enters into the drying chamber and is rapidly disintegrated by a fast moving rotor. Product surface is created, and the water is flashed off instantly. The semi-dry powder moves from the disintegration zone to the fluidization zone, where the residual moisture required is achieved at low temperature. Powder and air is taken out through an adjustable classifier, allowing certain particle size control. Powder and air is then taken to a powder separation system, typically a bag filter for powder separation. Often a powder cooling step is introduced at this point in order to flash cool the powder prior to bagging-off. The entire dryer process is fully automated. 制药行业对粉碎细度的要求 随着经济的快速增长,现在很多行业对粉体的需求量越来越大,从食品,制药,再到工业,每个行业都在使用其加工生产。这些行业在使用粉体时,对粉体的要求也各不相同,像食品行业,对加工原料的粉体细度要求就没有那么严格,但如果是制该机器采用单、双层装置,加热速度快,温度均匀,先进的双保险报警装置,使用安全、可靠,适用于金属生产塑料印刷厂干燥、老化试验产品,金属和其它低温加热干燥粗糙的使用。 热风循环烘箱的技术参数: 1、电源:三相四线,380伏,50Hz; 2、额定功率:2千瓦到20千瓦; 3、额定温度:室温至250 方便面生产线上出现了微波干燥设备? 应用在方便面生产线上的干燥设备: 辊道式方便面品微波干燥设备 微波干燥设备微波杀菌的原理: 微波干燥设备微波杀菌是利用了电磁场的热效应和生物效应共同作用的结果。微波对细菌的热效应是使蛋白质变性,使 无论你目前在使用烘箱生产操作,还是已经考虑购买一个新的,运行成本是必须要关注的,由于在加热过程中,能源密集性,成本就是你的底线,必须要懂得如何去降低操作成本。 烘箱操作成本: 1、选择热风循环烘箱的合适的加热方法。燃气或电?红外辐射 夏天一到,各种饮品受到了人们的欢迎。夏天由于天气太热,人体大量的排汗容易缺少水分。所以在这个时候,像红茶,绿茶、汽水、果汁、奶茶和乳制品就日常出现在餐桌上了。其实干燥设备在乳品加工中起到了不小的作用你知道吗? 中国实施乳品加工业发展战略的重点领域是针对
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